Oakwood Church St Paul

Sundays at Oakwood

9:30 am Bible Classes

10:30 am Morning Worship

Sunday Worship
December 1, 2024
Hold On
(Hebrews 10)


It’s virtually impossible to live hopefully and confidently without a compelling reason to do so. This is where the message of the gospel is so crucial. According to the Bible, we can base our hope on the certain promises of a faithful God who keeps His word.

In this Sunday service at Oakwood Church, we examine the teaching of Hebrews 10. We find that God’s plan throughout history was to reconcile people to him through the sacrifice of his son, Jesus. Anyone who trusts in Jesus can be confident that things are right between them and God. Ultimately, this provides the energizing hope to take us through whatever this life throws at us, as well as hope for the life to come.

Speaker: Pastor David Sheppard

(This recording includes only some
of the music from this Sunday.
For a list of some songs we
sing on Sundays, click here.)

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